We currently have about 40 active members, and fly out of 2 well kept flying fields, one in Struthers OH, the other in Columbiana, OH. We host two Fun Fly dates per year [ June and September ], with spectators and other RC Clubs invited to fly, or just watch. We ask you maintain 6’ social distancing, and observe all club rules while visiting our flying fields, during episodic outbreaks of COVID.
Website Updates
FUN FLY & SWAP MEETS _ 2024 Saturday JULY 6 ___ 10 am - 3 pmSaturday SEPT 14 ___ 10 am - 3 pmBring a plane to fly, spectators welcome, hot dogs & water supplied. Bring your own Table and/or Tent for the Swap Meet. Outdoor event. NO DRONES.RAIN DATE: None.Check back here for updated information.Updates to website will be posted here, with links to appropriate web pages. Advise Web Master for updates, corrections, etc.See eMail link in website header.
Site Updated: 05-28-2024
Meeting Times & Locations
We meet the last Wednesday of each month, unless Holidays dictate moving or canceling the meeting date.Nomination of Officers: NovemberElection of Officers: DecemberLOCATION: Summer: Shaker Woods Field, 6 pm.In case of rain: Location to Be Announced week of meeting..Winter: Future Winter Meeting Locations to be determined. Usually beginning end of October thru end of March, depending on weather in April/May and September / October.
We currently have about 40 active members, and fly out of 2 well kept flying fields, one in Struthers OH, the other in Columbiana, OH. We host two Fun Fly dates per year [ June and September ], with spectators and other RC Clubs invited to fly, or just watch. We ask you maintain 6’ social distancing, and observe all club rules while visiting our flying fields, during episodic outbreaks of COVID.
Website Updates
Updates to website will be posted here, with links to appropriate web pages.